Friday 1st May to Monday 4th May 2009
96 hours of enjoyment, 4 days of fun,4,000 like minded people.
Various Voices London 2009 is a festival of song and singing that will enable participants and audiences to grow through celebration and interaction.
Performance, workshops, meetings, social activities and parties support a holistic approach to well-being; helping to overcome prejudices and preconceptions by bringing communities together in a welcoming atmosphere of fun and friendliness.
96 hours of enjoyment, 4 days of fun,4,000 like minded people.
Various Voices London 2009 is a festival of song and singing that will enable participants and audiences to grow through celebration and interaction.
Performance, workshops, meetings, social activities and parties support a holistic approach to well-being; helping to overcome prejudices and preconceptions by bringing communities together in a welcoming atmosphere of fun and friendliness.
Das wird das große Ereignis in 2009! Alle vier Jahre findet dieses Festival statt. Zuletzt 2005 in Paris. Nun ist London dran! Die Bilder sind vom Legato-Treffen im März 2006, als London sich für dieses Festival beworben hatte. Legato ist die Vereinigung schwuler und lesbischer Chöre in Europa ...und ich bin dort im Vorstand.
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