The world's smallest mother has vowed 'I'll have more children' as she shows off her unlikely baby number three.
Stacey Herald, 36, who is just 2ft 4ins, was warned against becoming pregnant, because a baby could grow too big and crush her lungs and heart.
But determined Stacey, from Kentucky in the USA, has successfully defied doctors three times, and now she and husband Wil, 27, a trainee vicar, who is 5ft 9ins, are thinking about having more babies
Stacey has a rare genetic condition called Osteogenisis Imperfecta, which stunts her growth and causes underdeveloped lungs and brittle bones.
She said: 'Three children is a handful at the moment, but I can see us having more babies in the future.
'We listen to doctors and respect them, but they don't always get it right, so we

The latest addition to the Herald brood is baby Malachi, seven months, who has inherited his mother's condition, along with her eldest daughter Kateri, three. Second daughter Makya, two, is average sized.
Malachi, who was born by a rare vertical caesarian in November, was only allowed home last month after suffering breathing difficulties.
'Malachi was born without any broken bones,' said Stacey .'People with our condition are often born with broken arms and legs because our bones are fragile and can be damaged by the birth.'
But Malachi, who was five inches and 2lb 1oz, had to be placed into an incubator in intensive care.
At 17 days old he fell seriously ill with a virus and then at four weeks he suffered a life-threatening hernia and was rushed in for surgery.
'At one point they told us his heart had stopped and we thought he might not survive,' said Stacey. 'But thankfully the doctors managed to save him. It felt like a miracle to us.'
Malachi, who has small arms and legs because of his condition, grew stronger and was finally able to come home with his mum and dad a month ago.
Stacey is now getting to grips with being a mum of three and the couple have made special adaptations to their home-life to help her cope.
'I've explained that they're all special babies, but that the girls will have to be careful with Malachi, until he's a bit older,' Mrs Herald said.

'When we found out Malachi had my condition it was hard.
'But we knew we would be the best support possible for him, because Kateri and I have both been there already.'
Mr Herald takes care of night feeding and nappy changing because it's too difficult for Stacey, although she does breastfeed the baby during the day.
She also baths the children and changes nappies in the day using a specially-built platform, where she can look after them while staying in her chair.
The family's cupboards are organised so she can reach everything she needs to when her husband isn't home.
'We're pretty busy right now,' she said. 'Sleep is something we really miss.
'Three children would be a challenge for anyone - even normal sized people.'
Stacey, who uses a wheelchair, struggles to cope with daughter Makya, who is already a foot taller than her.
'I can't physically stop Makya if she's upset,' she said. 'She's too big for me now, so Wil has to take care of that.'
Stacey believes the new baby has brought her even closer to her husband than before.
'I didn't think it was possible to love him more,' she said. 'But since we've had our son I think I fall for Wil a bit more each day.'

Baby love
: Stacey and Wil Herald are considering having more children, despite the risks --
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